Friday, February 22, 2013

Party time for the worms....

I had been wanting to get a worm farm for a little while....  I love the idea of being able to turn our kitchen waste into compost and fertiliser for the veggie garden.  On Valentine's Day my darling husband brought one home from work for me (how fortunate that he works in a building supplies store!)

Laila was very excited by the whole business and soon set about helping me put it together.

First of all you soak the bedding block in a bucket of water until it turns into a nice sludgy consistency,  We also tore up the packaging and placed it into the bottom tray.  The worms will eventually eat through this!
The kids loved stirring the sludge mixture hehe!

Next we emptied the mix into the tray and tipped in the box of 1000 worms (so it said - I didn't actually count them!).  We also got a worm blanket for the top which keeps it all moist and dark.  Lower right photo is Laila saying goodnight to the worms under the blanket.

Just had to have one more peep at the worms and have a hold hehe.  Standing very proudly with the farm!

We have had to shift it from this spot as we found it wasn't in the shade at all times and with this boiling hot weather lately it needed protection from the sun.  We now house it under the back porch which also makes it very handy and close for putting our food scraps in.

Laila told her teacher all about it and then was asked to stand up in front of the class and do a little talk about it.  It has been and will be a valuable learning exercise for her and all of our family.

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