Monday, February 11, 2013

A Plum In Your Mouth

Every year around this time, a neighbour from across the road turns up at our door with a big bucket of lovely Satsuma plums to give us from his tree in the backyard.  Two nights ago he didn't disappoint and we received a HUGE amount for which the kids were very excited about.

It was perfect timing because over the last month or so we were very lucky to have received peaches, nectarines and grapes from another friend who had grown them all in his backyard too.

The supermarket fruit just doesn't hold a candle to this homegrown stuff!  The nectarines especially were a real highlight and we all gobbled them down greedily hehe.

So with a big bucket of plums on my kitchen bench I set about deciding what to do with them all.  The first thing I thought to make was some lovely jam.  I do love making a bit of jam!  In the past I have made orange jam and strawberry jam and I also like making my own tomato sauce (but that is another story).

I used two kilograms of the plums and I was able to make ten small jars.  We have already given one to Mum and one to a friend.  I also owe a home-grown pumpkin to this friend so hopefully this will sweeten the deal until my next pumpkin is ripe hehe ;)

Tonight the kids and I marched over to give a jar to the neighbour who gave us the plums.  He wasn't home but his wife said he will be thrilled with it (even though he also makes his own!)

I also found a cool website called Jamlabelizer which has funky templates which let you customise and print your own jam labels.  I had lots of fun making these!

Last but not least - today I decided to make a Plum cake from a recipe another lovely friend had passed on to me.  If I can resist cutting it tonight I will take it for morning tea at her house tomorrow!

I still have at least another kilo left so I am open to suggestions on how to use up the last ones!  Leave me a comment with your ideas or even links to recipes you have used :)

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