One thing really don't like about Adelaide is the hot summers. I should have been born in England or another cold place like some of my grandparents were!
Unfortunately the horrid heat this week just past got to temperatures over the 40C mark and one day we even reached a maximum of 45C. Really not my kind of weather at all and not only did it make me grumpy - it also damaged, and in some cases destroyed, several of my plants.
The last of my tomatoes look similar to this one above. One of my Kale plants (top right) got so badly burned I'm not sure it will come back and even my blueberry plant got singed on the tips.
Fortunately a couple of the plants that didn't make it were at the end of their season so I am really looking forward to some cool weather when I can replace things and fill up the enormous amount of spare space I have. There is no point doing so until we are out of this heat wave though.
Some good news to finish off. My lebanese eggplant out in the front garden is going fantastically. I have already picked enough for two veggie frittatas and as you can see there are oodles more coming along :)
Seeing you have had such good luck with your eggplants I am going to try them again next season and see if I have better luck.
Excellent! Hope you get some growing! Did you try pollinating them yourself last time? Maybe try giving them a helping hand.