After my summer of successfully growing butternut pumpkins, tomatoes and Lebanese eggplants in my front garden the season came to an end and I was thinking about what to plant there next.
After some discussions with Mum and a good friend (and after my new lemon and lime trees in the backyard) I decided to get two more citrus trees. This time I planted a Valencia Orange and a dwarf Imperial Mandarin.
Swinging the mattock to dig the ground is heavy work but I am gaining muscles hehe. I had some leftover pavers so I made an edge. It won't keep the grass from coming back but at least it will give me a barrier to work with.
It was a bit of a family effort. Mum got in on the act and watered them in. She is super for advice too having had many years of gardening experience. Laila likes to potter around and help too so it was a three generation gardening day!